The need to efficiently manage and monitor containerized environments remains a crucial task for teams. Now, with more and more organizations migrating to the cloud, what's next?

Join DZone for our Containers Virtual Roundtable! We will bring together our Trend Report subject matter experts, community contributors, and partners to explore the current state of containers, key trends and advancements in global containerization strategies, and constructive content for modernizing your software architecture. Moderated by Jesse Davis, DZone Chief Technologist.
  • Addressing core strategies and principles for securing container environments
  • How to tackle the biggest changes and challenges facing containers & cloud-native development today
  • IaC + Containers- Exploring the relationship between these two technologies and why containers are so vital to the broader IaC picture
Jesse Davis, Moderator
Chief Technologist, DZone
As the Chief Technologist @ DZone, Jesse is responsible for guiding the strategic direction of products and helping customers build the world’s largest, most engaging developer communities for companies like Disney, Amazon, SAP, Pixar, and Unity. Jesse has been building enterprise software and engineering teams for 25 years and is a respected executive, author, speaker, and coach. Jesse serves as a software industry advisor and, prior to Devada, Jesse developed the first data access for Java and served as an expert an innovator on industry data standards including JDBC, ODBC, and ANSI SQL.
Ray Elenteny
Solution Architect at SOLTECH, Inc.
With over 35 years of experience in the IT industry, Ray thoroughly enjoys sharing his experience by helping organizations deliver high-quality applications that drive business value. Ray has a passion for software engineering. Over the past 10 years or so, Ray has taken a keen interest in the cultural and technical dynamics of efficiently delivering applications.
Shai Almog
CEO, Codename One
Shai is the author of Practical Debugging at Scale: Cloud Native Debugging in Kubernetes and Production (Apress). He is an entrepreneur, author, blogger, open-source hacker, speaker, Java rockstar, developer advocate, and more. As an ex-Sun/Oracle dev with 30+ years of experience, Shai has built JVMs, tools, mobile, startups/enterprise backends, UIs, frameworks, observability tools, and more.
Dan Ciruli
Vice President of Product, D2iQ
Dan Ciruli is a product leader who has focused on technical productivity for his entire career. He leads Product Management and Design at D2IQ, a leading cloud native computing platform. Before D2iQ, he was general manager for the Zuora Platform business and led the Zuora Platform product management team at Zuora. During his seven years at Google, his team built and managed Google’s API serving infrastructure. He was a founding member of the Open API Initiative and sat on the Istio Steering Committee, and he was also the first product manager on gRPC. His commercial products at Google included Google Cloud Endpoints and Anthos Service Mesh. Prior to Google, he led product management on the Documentum xCP platform at EMC and was a founder at Digipede Technologies, a pioneering grid computing company.
Akanksha Pathak
Senior Cybersecurity Consultant, Visa Inc.
Akanksha specializes in cloud and application security, TDR, and vulnerability management. As a senior member of the corporate governance team, she oversees the third-party cybersecurity. Her expertise lies in managing relationships while also architecting and analyzing application designs. Additionally, she is an active participant in cybersecurity communities like GIAC Advisory Board and IEEE.
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