Awash in data but parched for actionable insights?
Research from BlueConic and WBR Insights reveals a telling challenge: 81% of marketers rate their technology infrastructure as only adequate for now, partially adequate, or inadequate in supporting data-driven marketing initiatives. Shaping a data-centric vision, refining data practices, embracing technology, and fostering a culture that thrives on change can help companies better put their customer data into action. However, it’s not always easy to know where to start.

In partnership with WBR Insights, BlueConic conducted a comprehensive survey of one hundred marketing leaders from top brands to better understand the people, process, and technology issues that make it difficult to get better returns from customer data. This webinar will delve into our findings to shed light on pivotal questions including:
How can we establish a shared understanding of data's value across departments to overcome reservations and foster growth?
How can our organization effectively implement a phased 'crawl, walk, run' approach to data collection and utilization?
How do we ensure the right technology is in place to scale our impact and maximize ROI?
  • How can we establish a shared understanding of data's value across departments to overcome reservations and foster growth?
  • How can our organization effectively implement a phased 'crawl, walk, run' approach to data collection and utilization?
  • How do we ensure the right technology is in place to scale our impact and maximize ROI?
Candice Antosca
Product Marketing Manager
Candice Antosca is a Product Marketing Manager at BlueConic. Prior to joining the BlueCrew, she was the Director of Product Management at ThriveHive, focusing on social media marketing. Utilizing an omnichannel approach, she helped clients reach their business goals and compete in a global market. Applying her expertise in product and marketing, Candice helps BlueConic customers realize the potential value of a CDP. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, spending time with family, and adding items she has no intention of buying to online shopping carts.
James Maguire
Editor-in-Chief, eWeek
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