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The digital workplace is entering a new era of intelligence and connectivity, with organizations reporting +50% efficiency improvements after adopting new AI tools, according to BCG.

Join Coveo and Rightpoint to learn how Comcast is revolutionizing knowledge discovery across the digital employee experience, with unprecedented proficiency gains via their intranet.

Learn how AI innovations like GenAI can connect employees with enterprise knowledge from countless ecosystems, including SharePoint, Google Drive and ServiceNow, right within the flow of their work to maximize productivity and the ROI of the digital workplace.
  • How Digital Workplace Leaders Excel: See how Comcast raises the bar for knowledge management and streamlines employee processes using AI.
  • Empowering Engagement With AI: Discover AI models that are pivotal to transforming employee experiences. Uncover the tools to build a smarter, connected workplace.
  • Measurable Success: Learn key metrics & KPIs for quantifying the impact of AI across the end-to-end employee experience.
Patricia Petit Liang
Product Marketing Manager, Workplace at Coveo
Jesse Murray
SVP and Head of Employee Experience at Rightpoint
Kirsten Culbertson
Executive Director, Digital Technology Strategy, Internal, Comcast
Kirsten Culbertson leads the internal communications digital team for Comcast, overseeing ComcastNow, the company intranet, which supports over 80,000 employees each month, Viva Engage, Viva Connections, and multiple other internal communications channels used connect employees to information, tools, and colleagues each day. She is an award-winning digital communications and business technology leader with 25+ years’ experience focused on strategy and implementation of intranets/digital workplaces, digital channels, enterprise search, and enterprise social.
James Maguire
Editor-in-Chief, eWeek
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